So I wake up this morning to the news that red-faced Cardinal (!) Dolan will bless a presidential candidate on the night of his acclamation as official candidate. But that's not an endorsement... the Cardinal's office assures us.
Look... If Jesus had blessed a Roman emperor.... If Moses had blessed the Pharaoh... Do I need to go on?
Did Dolan's mother never tell him: Actions speak louder than words?
Did Dolan never consider the principle: Lex orandi, lex credendi?
When it comes to ethics it is hugely important to make sure that one's actions do not even give a hint or a whiff of impropriety.
Ok, what's gonna be the result of thisblessing genuflection?
I seriously doubt it will sway any worldly votes. Though it may energize some Romney supporters. On the other hand... it is just one more nail in the lengthening list that should be nailed to the Vatican wall or hammered onto the Vatican's rusty coffin of misbehavior.
Are there no good men left? Men, who are humble. Men who avoid the limelight. Men, who, upon being asked to bless a candidate - at a national convention - likely with TV cameras running... would say, without hesitation: It would be inappropriate for me to give the appearance of endorsing...
But no... the good men are never asked! Or if they are, they refrain so quietly we never even know about it.
So what's gonna be the result of this blessing? A serious backfire. More folks heading for the church doors. A sense of something gone terribly wrong.
RCC to the faithful: No pastoral care for thee. Alliance with worldly power for me.
Look... If Jesus had blessed a Roman emperor.... If Moses had blessed the Pharaoh... Do I need to go on?
Did Dolan's mother never tell him: Actions speak louder than words?
Did Dolan never consider the principle: Lex orandi, lex credendi?
When it comes to ethics it is hugely important to make sure that one's actions do not even give a hint or a whiff of impropriety.
Ok, what's gonna be the result of this
I seriously doubt it will sway any worldly votes. Though it may energize some Romney supporters. On the other hand... it is just one more nail in the lengthening list that should be nailed to the Vatican wall or hammered onto the Vatican's rusty coffin of misbehavior.
Are there no good men left? Men, who are humble. Men who avoid the limelight. Men, who, upon being asked to bless a candidate - at a national convention - likely with TV cameras running... would say, without hesitation: It would be inappropriate for me to give the appearance of endorsing...
But no... the good men are never asked! Or if they are, they refrain so quietly we never even know about it.
So what's gonna be the result of this blessing? A serious backfire. More folks heading for the church doors. A sense of something gone terribly wrong.
RCC to the faithful: No pastoral care for thee. Alliance with worldly power for me.
Catholic identity. This whole idea gives me problems. As the Vatican appears to be promoting a kind of uniformity. A type of robotic thought and behavior. Controlled from Rome! (Even the unearthed Chinese army of clay soldiers has each one manifesting uniqueness!)
I think we have to start with the assumption, amply validated in scripture, that our identities are hidden with Christ in God. That the Holy Spirit dwells within each of us, immersed in constant prayer (whether we know it or not). That our task is to gradually live out the Image of God, allowing the Spirit to form us in God's VERY Likeness.
Uniformity has no part in this! And the Gospel is a call within the heart of each person. It calls us to a unique "identity" - yes, formed in God's likeness - but God reaches out to each of us in a unique relationship.
Catholic identity? Honestly, I'm not sure what that means. Unless it means a humility which few, if any of us, ever achieves.
To manifest the Presence of God, this is our calling. And God's presence, I submit, is so personally overwhelming, it could NEVER be uniform.
To me the question should never be: Who are you as a Catholic? (Recall that many Christians recite the Creed! Not just Roman catholics.)
The question, it seems to me, is: Who are you in your deepest heart? Who are you in the eyes of God? Who is any of us when most present to the Holy Trinity flowing/dwelling within? Or to the Trinity met in every person? In every aspect of nature?
See this wonderful interview posted at Blue Eyed Ennis during her blogging break - which leads exactly in the direction I'm discussing:
Catholic identity? This Abbot has got it!!!